Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October Book Club

Hello Yogi's and Yogini's,
I am hosting book club this month, unfortunately I do not have all of our YTT email addresses so if you are interested in attending please email me at tbonaz@hotmail.com

The date is either Oct 21st or 22nd

Hope you can attend and hope you are all well

Tina Bonazzo

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I thought you'd be interested to check out YogaFest at the Herb Garden on Monday, August 4th


YogaFest Theme

As good health is a reflection of great communities, the YogaFest theme will be a meeting of mind, body, spirit, and nature. It will provide a forum to educate the citizens of Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley about the importance of eating locally produced food and practicing modalities such as Yoga, and other forms of physical exercise.

The intention is for the event to include a wide variety of activities, healing modalities, and alternative therapies that fit under the umbrella of Yoga and Healthy Living. There will be a labyrinth to walk, a meditation area, a demonstration area to showcase different types of Yoga and other physical practices, group talks and presentations about Meditation, Yoga, healthy living, nutrition, and more.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hello from Amanda!

Hi everyone....where have you been!?! Take a minute out of your day to let everyone know what you have been up to! Are you teaching?! Going anywhere interesting this summer?! I think I read on facebook that somebody may be taking a trip to Kripalu...was this inspired by the recent book club read?! '

We had our first book club meeting in July at Ann Marie's home. Ann Marie, thank you for graciously hosting our first meeting! It was great to see some faces again after a few months since graduation. Some of us read the book, some of us were finishing it up, some of us still intended to get started, but it didn't matter. So if you did not come to the last get together because you didn't read the book its not an excuse! Come and be inspired to read it, or at least catch up with some like minded friends who you may not of seen recently. Please take a look at the blog to confirm what the book is and who is hosting the meeting, etc. The dates are generally the second Tuesday of the month, but August's meeting will be held at Shauna's house on August 14th at 7p.m.

I am still teaching children's yoga classes for ages 2-5 and 6-12, with the addition of some adult classes in the fall. I would love to teach a few more yoga classes a week but with my current schedule of other classes I want to make sure I carve out some ME time!

Anybody who is looking for a nice outing that is close by I suggest trying Eco-Odysse in Wakefield. They have a fantastic and huge labrinyth that you take a paddle boat through. Lots of wildlife, and also kid friendly! Adam and I went one morning this week on our vacation and it was cute. We spent a good few hours out there and then enjoyed a picnic. They also do evening outings, but if you go I suggest lots of bug repellent!

So...TAG...somebody else is it. Let us know if you are still practicing, teaching, and what is happening with YOU!


December Book Club Info

Date: December
Book: The Universe in a Single Atom- Dalai Lama

Host: Maria

Main Course Tanya
Main Course Melodie
Main Course Shelley
Salad Dirk
Salad Jemille
Salad Leanne
Appetizer Vero
Appetizer Amanda DeGrace
Appetizer Shauna Salomone
Dessert Joanne Pereira-Ekstrom
Dessert Zora
Dessert Tina

November Book Club Info

Date: November
Book: The 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga- Deepak Chopra

Host: Terry

Main Course Zora
Main Course Tina
Main Course Elizabeth Chapman
Salad Anne Marie Vezina
Salad Edith Parinas
Salad Coralie Charland
Appetizer Terry
Appetizer Yannick Lapierre
Appetizer Maria Figueroa
Dessert Kim Ann
Dessert Alex
Dessert Samantha Swanson

October Book Club Info

Date: October
Book: Discover Your Destiny with the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by: Robin Sharma

Host: Tina

Main Course Alex
Main Course Samantha Swanson
Main Course Tanya
Salad Melodie
Salad Shelley
Salad Vero
Appetizer Jemille
Appetizer Leanne
Appetizer Jessica
Dessert Amanda DeGrace
Dessert Shauna Salomone
Dessert Joanne Pereira-Ekstrom

Friday, June 20, 2008

Blowing my Mind!

This book is amazing! It is a binder full of removable flash cards of every posture we learned in class and more! Each card lists press points, modifications, chakra stimulation, ayurvedic properties and a whole back section on languaging! Seriously, I am madly in love with this book. I bought it from my studio but you can get it on amazon.

Friday, June 6, 2008

September Book Club Info

Date: September
Book: The Joy of Living by Yongey Mingyer Rinpoche

Host: Joanne

Main Course Shauna Salomone
Main Course Joanne Pereira-Ekstrom
Main Course Zora
Salad Tina
Salad Elizabeth Chapman
Salad Anne Marie Vezina
Appetizer Edith Parinas
Appetizer Coralie Charland
Appetizer Terry
Dessert Yannick Lapierre
Dessert Maria Figueroa
Dessert Kim Ann

August Book Club Info

Date: August
Book: How To See Yourself As You Really Are by Dalai Lama

Host: Shauna

Main Course Kim Ann
Main Course Alex
Main Course Samantha Swanson
Salad Tanya
Salad Melodie
Salad Shelley
Appetizer Dirk
Appetizer Jemille
Appetizer Tricia
Dessert Leanne
Dessert Jessica
Dessert Vero

July Book Club Info

Hi Everyone!

As promised here is the book club info for the next few months.

Date: July
Book: Yoga & The Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope

Host: Anne Marie

Main Course Amanda DeGrace
Main Course Shauna Salomone
Main Course Joanne Pereira-Ekstrom
Salad Zora
Salad Tina
Salad Elizabeth Chapman
Appetizer Anne Marie Vezina
Appetizer Edith Parinas
Appetizer Coralie Charland
Dessert Terry
Dessert Yannick Lapierre
Dessert Maria Figueroa


Dear everyone 2,

Hello again. I had a very interesting week and I had to tell you all about it. Remember when we first started learning about chanting and Jamine put on that Krishna Das CD with the Hari Krishna chant that had bongos and happy music in the background? Remember how it was super long and we all sang and bounced along to the happy music?
Well, I have had that song stuck in my head for about three months now and last week I finally found the CD and ordered it from Chapters (yes, it's available there and Amazon).
It came in the mail this week as I was heading out the door so I grabbed it and put it into the car stereo and skipped directly to that song. As it started playing, accompanied with a giant smile, I started crying. Actually, I started singing, crying and smiling all at the same time. I started thinking of all the great experiences and people and love from the program and I was just overwhelmed. Really, I must have looked like a total weirdo, driving down the street with Krishna Das blaring from the stereo, singing, crying and smiling all at once. Ha!
So, that song has since been played on my stereo about 800 times and every time I am filled with enthusiasm, joy and love for you guys. It has become my Rama Lotus theme song.
In other news, I have just been hired at my old yoga studio, a little two room studio in our old China Town: http://www.moksanayoga.com . I start today and I am very, very excited. One of the best things about this job, besides the free yoga and the potential to start teaching there, is that they want us to do their yoga teacher training program for free...just because they like all their employees to be educated through them. When she asked, during the interview, if I would mind taking my 200 hour training again, I almost laughed out loud...hell yes I would do it again! I told her I would do yoga teacher training every day of my life, if I could!
So, it has been a great big week and it seems like it will only get better! I will keep you all posted as to how it all goes.
Love, love, love
ps. did anyone else notice that Lucy, from Rama is on the cover of this months yoga journal? Wicked!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Best job ever!

ps. I just stumbled upon this amazing job right outside of Ottawa and I think one of you should have it so I can come and visit!

Dear Everyone

Hello, how is everyone doing on their grand adventures in the world of yoga teaching? I have heard from some of you that you have already started teaching at studios or centres, congratulations! I would love to know what it is like, what changes and experiences you have to share. Most importantly, what tips do you have?
I recently started teaching private weekly classes to a very pregnant friend. I wish I paid more attention in the pre-natal section of the training. haha. She has never done yoga before so she is very open and enthusiastic. Last week she said that, for the first time, she realized how good and how necessary it is to "stop"..everything. She is a self confessed mover and thinker and doer and she is really finding pleasure in stopping. This is a nice feeling and a nice service to provide to someone.
My own practice is still going very slowly but I am managing to cycle, run and walk in the sunshine constantly so I am at least connecting to nature that way. At the end of this month we move back into our old apartment that we were in before we left BC (a totally random fluke). The apartment is directly across from the ocean so I will commandeer part of the living room as my yoga area and look out over the ocean when doing my daily sun salutations! I welcome everyone to come on out and join me!
Love from BC.
xo Kaisha

Good old BBC

Karma is discussed by the BBC, is it the age of enlightenment already!? Here is an interesting article, followed by some even more interesting comments, about karma. This story stemmed from Sharon Stone being a bit confused.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Book Club

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to post the info on here for our bookclub. Please note our first meeting will be Tuesday July 8th, 7p.m. at Ann Marie's. Directions to Ann Marie's are as follows:

16 Stamford Private (613 736-1040) annmarie@rogers.com

Directions from downtown:
Bank to Hunt Club, turn left on Hunt Club
Left on Lorry Greenberg (at the Quickie)
Pass the Community Centre
Left on Stamford Private
There is some visitor parking and street parking on Lorry Greenberg.

If you are to bring something for the meal and are unable to attend please send us out an email to have somebody else cover for you. Has anybody replied to Joanne yet as she is out of town that week and is unable to bring her main meal. Can somebody help out? Please confirm with Joanne asap.

Thanks everyone! Enjoy the day!


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Freedom to heal...


I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:

"Save our freedom to heal..."

I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am on a roll!


Here are a few more photos. Watch Sammy on the first two, hilarious!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Round One!

As Promised, here are the first of many photos from my last weekend at Rama. These are the most important so I am posting them first. I love the lion's breath one, you guys are hilarious! I especially like Jun's random lion's breath in the middle of the "normal" shot. hahaha.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Okay, I finally got my computer from our moving cube. It is all set up and now I just have to find a few hours to edit the photos from my last day of class. I have looked at them, for a week I carried around my flash card and a little card reader so I could peek at them on anyones computer who would let me. The down-dog-train is hilarious!
I will try to have some posted tonight for sure!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


So, I am back in BC and loving it but I am doing NO yoga! I have seriously only practiced once in the two weeks I have been back here. My plan is to try out each yoga studio in town and then decide on one that I love and stick with it. I have to say that not having a group of yogis here, like in Ottawa, is making getting on the mat more difficult. Oh and there is only one Bikram studio and it is super expensive...and a little bit stinky.
Does anyone have any suggestions or laments that they are finding?
xo Kaisha

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Demonstration at the Tulip Festival

Dear friends,

This year Ryurei Aikido has been invited to provide a demonstration of Aikido and Shinkido (a mind-body-spirit discipline) for the organizers of the Japanese Pavilion at the Tulip Festival.

Shinkido teaches one about the natural internal energy, how to use it, how to feel it, how to develop it, how to make it stronger, how to help others to utilize it, and how to not waste it. I thought this would be of interest to you as yogi/yoginis.

We are going to have larger group of members taking part this year. With male and female, young and not so young, all taking part. Beginners and some with more experience.

The demonstration will be held on Saturday May 10th at 10:00am

I am looking forward to seeing you there.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Salutations To ALL

Hey everyone. Congradulations to all. I hope You all realize the strength you have gain throughout the last six months, and continue to grow in your path as a household Yogi. Thanking all of you for sharing in this magnificent experience. I'm moving to Toronto in the next couple of weeks to hopefully if any of you are coming down. Please to hesitate to contact me. Good luck to all.
Jose M.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Yoga Teachers Ahoy!!!

Namaste to all of you Beautiful Beings!

I thank you for all the energy and enthusiasm that you each brought to this course. It wasn't always easy to show up, but we made it in the end, and what transformation. You are each so Lovely!
Let us keep in touch. Blessings to us all on this most extrordanary path. You will be in my heart for all time.
Grace and prosperous beauty to you each!
Much Love

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This is Yannick

Well, it's good to hear from you, now that you finally back in Victoria. Things here are a little rainy but we can't complain, it's been gorgeous for over 5 days. I got a new bike last week and I riding on Sunday. Wow! It was amazing out.

I've been looking at tickets for Victoria, best thing I found was $760 with Air Canada both ways, which is pretty descent. I just got to reserve with Salts Spring before I get the ticket.

So that's that. I'll write something soon.

Take care y'all


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Back in BC

After a very, very long week we are back on the other side of the country! The trip was fairly uneventful until I got the flu and we got snowed in at Calgary and had to stop there for a couple of days. I confess that although I brought my yoga mat on the trip, I was too sick to practice any asanas. I did, however, make an effort to remember my breath every half hour and to appreciate the drive no matter how tired or sick I was. I really noticed that my mind and my body reacted a lot better to the drive this time than earlier in the year. I was way less stiff and pretty peaceful all week.
Now we are in Victoria and I am really excited about getting back to my old studio and hopefully to start teaching a few classes here and there. I will be thinking about you all this weekend and wishing I were there for the celebration. Have a great time and congratulations!!!
xo Kaisha

Back IN BC

Hopefully everything went fine with the drive back to Victoria. That drive throught the Praries must have been depleting. I hope you pulled over a few times to re-energize your body with some yoga. I'm pretty sure Jemile booked the retreat in august. Still seeing if i can make out there too. Hopefully i can.
Later. Peace


Monday, April 14, 2008

Hooray for Blog

Finally got on now to wait and see who else posts.

Monday, April 7, 2008


As you all know, I made a big announcement in class offering to do photos for everyone. Unfortunately, I totally dropped the ball and only managed to get into the studio for one afternoon to take pictures of Rama Lotus for Robert and a couple of photos of Vero, Yannik and Jun. The cover page of the site is Vero in a nice forward bend. For a sample of the other pictures, from that afternoon, you can see them on my photo site: www.atomicphotography.com under my name and then yoga.
My apologies to everyone that I didn't manage to pull off the big photo shoot I was hoping for, time has a tendency to creep up on me. Or in other words, I am a poor time manager.

Ta Da!

Here it is, a little blog for all of us to keep in touch. I hope you all find this useful.