Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I thought you'd be interested to check out YogaFest at the Herb Garden on Monday, August 4th

YogaFest Theme

As good health is a reflection of great communities, the YogaFest theme will be a meeting of mind, body, spirit, and nature. It will provide a forum to educate the citizens of Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley about the importance of eating locally produced food and practicing modalities such as Yoga, and other forms of physical exercise.

The intention is for the event to include a wide variety of activities, healing modalities, and alternative therapies that fit under the umbrella of Yoga and Healthy Living. There will be a labyrinth to walk, a meditation area, a demonstration area to showcase different types of Yoga and other physical practices, group talks and presentations about Meditation, Yoga, healthy living, nutrition, and more.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hello from Amanda!

Hi everyone....where have you been!?! Take a minute out of your day to let everyone know what you have been up to! Are you teaching?! Going anywhere interesting this summer?! I think I read on facebook that somebody may be taking a trip to Kripalu...was this inspired by the recent book club read?! '

We had our first book club meeting in July at Ann Marie's home. Ann Marie, thank you for graciously hosting our first meeting! It was great to see some faces again after a few months since graduation. Some of us read the book, some of us were finishing it up, some of us still intended to get started, but it didn't matter. So if you did not come to the last get together because you didn't read the book its not an excuse! Come and be inspired to read it, or at least catch up with some like minded friends who you may not of seen recently. Please take a look at the blog to confirm what the book is and who is hosting the meeting, etc. The dates are generally the second Tuesday of the month, but August's meeting will be held at Shauna's house on August 14th at 7p.m.

I am still teaching children's yoga classes for ages 2-5 and 6-12, with the addition of some adult classes in the fall. I would love to teach a few more yoga classes a week but with my current schedule of other classes I want to make sure I carve out some ME time!

Anybody who is looking for a nice outing that is close by I suggest trying Eco-Odysse in Wakefield. They have a fantastic and huge labrinyth that you take a paddle boat through. Lots of wildlife, and also kid friendly! Adam and I went one morning this week on our vacation and it was cute. We spent a good few hours out there and then enjoyed a picnic. They also do evening outings, but if you go I suggest lots of bug repellent!

So...TAG...somebody else is it. Let us know if you are still practicing, teaching, and what is happening with YOU!


December Book Club Info

Date: December
Book: The Universe in a Single Atom- Dalai Lama

Host: Maria

Main Course Tanya
Main Course Melodie
Main Course Shelley
Salad Dirk
Salad Jemille
Salad Leanne
Appetizer Vero
Appetizer Amanda DeGrace
Appetizer Shauna Salomone
Dessert Joanne Pereira-Ekstrom
Dessert Zora
Dessert Tina

November Book Club Info

Date: November
Book: The 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga- Deepak Chopra

Host: Terry

Main Course Zora
Main Course Tina
Main Course Elizabeth Chapman
Salad Anne Marie Vezina
Salad Edith Parinas
Salad Coralie Charland
Appetizer Terry
Appetizer Yannick Lapierre
Appetizer Maria Figueroa
Dessert Kim Ann
Dessert Alex
Dessert Samantha Swanson

October Book Club Info

Date: October
Book: Discover Your Destiny with the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by: Robin Sharma

Host: Tina

Main Course Alex
Main Course Samantha Swanson
Main Course Tanya
Salad Melodie
Salad Shelley
Salad Vero
Appetizer Jemille
Appetizer Leanne
Appetizer Jessica
Dessert Amanda DeGrace
Dessert Shauna Salomone
Dessert Joanne Pereira-Ekstrom