Friday, June 6, 2008

Dear everyone 2,

Hello again. I had a very interesting week and I had to tell you all about it. Remember when we first started learning about chanting and Jamine put on that Krishna Das CD with the Hari Krishna chant that had bongos and happy music in the background? Remember how it was super long and we all sang and bounced along to the happy music?
Well, I have had that song stuck in my head for about three months now and last week I finally found the CD and ordered it from Chapters (yes, it's available there and Amazon).
It came in the mail this week as I was heading out the door so I grabbed it and put it into the car stereo and skipped directly to that song. As it started playing, accompanied with a giant smile, I started crying. Actually, I started singing, crying and smiling all at the same time. I started thinking of all the great experiences and people and love from the program and I was just overwhelmed. Really, I must have looked like a total weirdo, driving down the street with Krishna Das blaring from the stereo, singing, crying and smiling all at once. Ha!
So, that song has since been played on my stereo about 800 times and every time I am filled with enthusiasm, joy and love for you guys. It has become my Rama Lotus theme song.
In other news, I have just been hired at my old yoga studio, a little two room studio in our old China Town: . I start today and I am very, very excited. One of the best things about this job, besides the free yoga and the potential to start teaching there, is that they want us to do their yoga teacher training program for free...just because they like all their employees to be educated through them. When she asked, during the interview, if I would mind taking my 200 hour training again, I almost laughed out loud...hell yes I would do it again! I told her I would do yoga teacher training every day of my life, if I could!
So, it has been a great big week and it seems like it will only get better! I will keep you all posted as to how it all goes.
Love, love, love
ps. did anyone else notice that Lucy, from Rama is on the cover of this months yoga journal? Wicked!


Unknown said...

Hi Kaisha,

I liked the story you told us and
congrats with landing a job at yoga studio!

Keep the good news coming!


Kaisha said...

Thanks Alex, I am SO in love with working at the studio. The free yoga is probably my favorite part.